Grade 1 Goals
The Common Core standards for Grade 1 have been recast as a student-friendly list of goals, listed in the table below and available in this PDF. Click to open.
Click any square image in the table below to view a game card set for the goal. Click the blue button to visit Boom Learning for a self-checking activity with digital cards.
1.OA.A |
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. |
1.OA.1 |
Add and subtract within 20 to solve word problems about combining or separating. |
1.OA.1 |
Add and subtract within 20 to solve word problems about comparing. |
1.OA.1 |
Use objects or drawings to represent word problems. |
1.OA.1 |
Use equations to represent word problems. At this level, students should be able to write an addition or subtraction sentence using a blank for the missing number. There can be many correct sentences for a given problem. For comparison of 7 and 9, students might write 7 + __ = 9 or 9 – 7 = __. |
1.OA.2 |
Add three numbers with sums to 20 to solve word problems. |
1.OA.B |
Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. |
1.OA.3 | 1A21
Apply the commutative property for addition. |
1.OA.3 | 1A22
Apply the associative property when adding three numbers. This means that students should be able to choose which two numbers to add first. For example, for 7 + 6 + 4, students should see that 6 and 4 make 10, so it is easiest to add those numbers first. At this level, it is not important to use the term "associative" or to show parentheses. |
1.OA.4 |
Relate subtraction to finding a missing addend. |
1.OA.C |
Add and subtract within 20. |
1.OA.5 | 1A31
Relate counting on or back to adding or subtracting 1 or 2. |
1.OA.5 | 1A32
Relate counting on or back to adding or subtracting 3. |
1.OA.6 | 1A33
Add fluently within 10. |
1.OA.6 | 1A34
Subtract fluently within 10. |
1.OA.6 | 1A35
Find sums greater than 10 by decomposing to make 10. For example, add 7 + 5 by breaking apart the 5 as 3 and 2. Thus 7 + 5 = 10 + 2 or 12. It is NOT important to record a step or writing 7 + (3 + 2). Student should just THINK of breaking the number apart. |
1.OA.6 | 1A36
Subtract from numbers greater than 10 by decomposing to make 10. |
1.OA.6 | 1A37
Subtract by recalling addition facts. |
1.OA.6 | 1A38
Add within 20 (using various strategies). At this level, students are not expected to be fluent with sums between 10 and 20. Fluency is a Grade 2 standard. |
1.OA.6 | 1A39
Subtract within 20 (using various strategies). |
1.OA.D |
Work with addition and subtraction equations. |
1.OA.7 | 1A41
Determine if equations involving addition and/or subtraction are true or false. This problem type includes equations with operations on both sides, such as 7 + 2 = 8 + 1. It is very important for students to understand that an equals sign means "has the same value as." |
1.OA.8 | 1A42
Find a missing number in an addition equation. |
1.OA.8 | 1A43
Find a missing number in a subtraction equation. |
1.NBT.A |
Extend the counting sequence. |
1.NBT.1 | 1B11
Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In Kindergarten, students counted by rote to 100. |
1.NBT.1 | 1B12
Read and write numbers to 120. |
1.NBT.1 | 1B13
Represent a number of objects to 120 with a written numeral. In Kindergarten, students counted up to 20 objects. |
1.NBT.B |
Understand place value. |
1.NBT.2a | 1B21
Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. |
1.NBT.2b | 1B22
Understand how to represent numbers from 11 to 19 as a 10 and ones. In Kindergarten, students recorded number sentences after grouping 10 and some ones, such as 10 + 7 = 17. |
1.NBT.2c | 1B23
Understand that 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to tens with no ones. |
1.NBT.3 | 1B24
Compare numbers to 20 using the symbols >, =, and <. |
1.NBT.3 | 1B25
Compare two 2-digit numbers using the symbols >, =, and <. |
1.NBT.C |
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. |
1.NBT.4 | 1B31
Add within 100 using models or drawings. |
1.NBT.4 | 1B32
Add a two-digit number and a one-digit number. |
1.NBT.4 | 1B33
Add a two-digit number and a multiple of 10. |
1.NBT.4 | 1B34
Add two two-digit numbers with or without composing a ten, using place value. |
1.NBT.5 | 1B35
Mentally find 10 more or 10 less than any two-digit number. |
1.NBT.6 | 1B36
Subtract with multiples of 10 using models or drawings. |
1.NBT.6 | 1B37
Subtract with multiples of 10 using place value. |
1.NBT.6 | 1B38
Subtract with multiples of 10 by relating to addition. |
1.MD.A |
Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. |
1.MD.1 | 1M11
Order three objects by length. In Kindergarten, students directly compared only two objects. |
1.MD.1 | 1M12
Compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object. |
1.MD.2 | 1M13
Repeat a short object end-to-end to measure a longer object. |
1.MD.2 | 1M14
When measuring, know that there cannot be gaps or overlaps. |
1.MD.B |
Tell and write time. |
1.MD.3 | 1M21
Tell and write time in hours using analog clocks. Time was not a Kindergarten standard. |
1.MD.3 | 1M22
Tell and write time in half-hours using analog clocks. |
1.MD.3 | 1M23
Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using digital clocks. |
1.MD.C |
Represent and interpret data. |
1.MD.4 | 1M31
Organize and represent data with up to three categories. |
1.MD.4 | 1M32
Interpret data with up to three categories. |
1.G.A |
Reason with shapes and their attributes. |
1.G.1 | 1G11
Sort shapes by a defining attribute such as the number of sides. |
1.G.1 | 1G12
Draw shapes with a given defining attribute. |
1.G.2 | 1G13
Combine two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and quarter-circles) to create a composite shape. |
1.G.2 | 1G14
Combine three-dimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms, right circular cones, and right circular cylinders) to create a composite shape. |
1.G.3 | 1G15
Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares. This means that students should be able to draw lines across a circle or square, through the center, to make two halves. They should be able to draw another line perpendicular to the first line to make four equal parts. For rectangles, students should also be able to make four parts by drawing two lines parallel to the first line, dividing each half into two parts. |
1.G.3 | 1G16
Describe shares of wholes using the words halves, fourths, and quarters. Fraction notation is not required at this grade level and should not be introduced until students understand halves and fourths using words. |
Goals were developed by Angie Seltzer. Highlighted parts are from Grade 2 CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. |