Grade 2 Goals
The Common Core standards for Grade 2 have been recast as a student-friendly list of goals, listed in the table below and available in this PDF. Click to open.
Click any square image in the table below to view a game card set for the goal. Click the blue button to visit Boom Learning for a self-checking activity with digital cards.
2.OA.A |
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. |
2.OA.1 |
Add and subtract within 100 to solve word problems about combining or separating. |
2.OA.1 | 2A12
Add and subtract within 100 to solve word problems about comparing. |
2.OA.1 | 2A13
Use objects or drawings to represent word problems. |
2.OA.1 | 2A14
Use equations to represent word problems. |
2.OA.B |
Add and subtract within 20. |
2.OA.2 |
Fluently add within 20 using mental strategies. |
2.OA.2 | 2A22
Fluently subtract within 20 using mental strategies. |
2.OA.2 | 2A23
Know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers. |
2.OA.C |
Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication. |
2.OA.3 | 2A31
Find out if a group of up to 20 objects is even or odd. Students should create groups of two. An even number makes pairs of objects with none left over. |
2.OA.3 | 2A32
Express an even number as a sum of two equal addends. For example, 14 is 7 + 7. |
2.OA.4 | 2A33
Add to find the number shown by an array with up to 5 rows and 5 columns. For example, the number for an array of 3 rows and 5 columns can be found by adding 5, 5, and 5. |
2.OA.4 | 2A34
Write an equation for an array as a sum of equal addends. |
2.NBT.A |
Understand place value. |
2.NBT.1 |
Understand that a three-digit number represents hundreds, tens, and ones. In Grade 1, students worked with two-digit numbers. |
2.NBT.1a | 2B12
Understand that a hundred is 10 tens. |
2.NBT.1b | 2B13
Understand that 100, 200, and so on refer to hundreds with 0 tens and 0 ones. |
2.NBT.2 | 2B14
Count by 5s, 10s, and 100s within 1000. |
2.NBT.3 | 2B15
Read and write numbers to 1000. |
2.NBT.3 | 2B16
Represent numbers to 1000 as written numerals. |
2.NBT.3 | 2B17
Write numbers to 1000 in expanded form. For example, 947 is 900 + 40 + 7. |
2.NBT.4 | 2B18
Compare two 3-digit numbers using the symbols >, =, and <. |
2.NBT.B |
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. |
2.NBT.5 | 2B21
Fluently add within 100 using various strategies. Students in Grade 1 added two 2-digit numbers, but fluency was NOT expected. |
2.NBT.5 | 2B22
Fluently subtract within 100 using various strategies. |
2.NBT.6 | 2B23
Add up to four 2-digit numbers using various strategies. |
2.NBT.7 | 2B24
Add within 1000 using models or drawings. |
2.NBT.7 | 2B25
Add within 1000 using place value strategies. For example, to add 452 and 130, students can start with 452 and count on 100 and then count on three 10s. |
2.NBT.7 | 2B26
Subtract within 1000 using models or drawings. |
2.NBT.7 | 2B27
Subtract within 1000 using place value strategies. |
2.NBT.8 | 2B28
Mentally find 10 or 100 more or less than any three-digit number. |
2.NBT.9 | 2B29
Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work. |
2.MD.A |
Measure and estimate lengths in standard units. |
2.MD.1 | 2M11
Measure in inches, feet, centimeters, and meters. |
2.MD.2 | 2M12
Measure an object with two units and relate the measurements to the unit size. Students should see that measuring with larger units leads to a smaller number. |
2.MD.3 | 2M13
Estimate lengths in inches, feet, centimeters, and meters. It is important for students to do a lot of measuring before having to estimate lengths. |
2.MD.4 | 2M14
Measure to find out how much longer one object is than another. This problem type has not been common on prior sets of standards. |
2.MD.B |
Relate addition and subtraction to length. |
2.MD.5 | 2M21
Use drawings and equations to solve word problems involving lengths. |
2.MD.6 | 2M22
Represent sums and differences within 100 on a number line diagram. As take away, subtraction can be shown by starting at the mark for the first length and moving back by the second length. As comparison, mark both lengths and find the distance between. |
2.MD.C |
Work with time and money. |
2.MD.7 | 2M31
Tell and write time to the nearest five minutes. In Grade 1, students tell time to the nearest half hour. |
2.MD.7 | 2M32
Write times using a.m. and p.m. |
2.MD.8 | 2M33
Solve word problems involving dollar bills and coins, using $ and ¢ symbols. |
2.MD.D |
Represent and interpret data. |
2.MD.9 | 2M41
Make a line plot of measurement data, measured to nearest whole unit. Plotting data is important because a plot shows the data in order. |
2.MD.10 | 2M42
Draw a bar graph with up to four categories. |
2.MD.10 | 2M43
Draw a picture graph with up to four categories. |
2.MD.10 | 2M44
Add or subtract to solve problems about data presented in a bar graph. |
2.G.A |
Reason with shapes and their attributes. |
2.G.1 |
Draw shapes having a given number of angles or sides. |
2.G.1 | 2G12
Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes. |
2.G.2 | 2G13
Partition a rectangle into squares and count the squares. For this problem type, provide rectangles with sides up to five units long that have a tick mark for each unit. Students should connect the tick marks to create a grid. |
2.G.3 | 2G14
Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares. In Grade 1, students made two or four equal shares. Making three shares is a new problem type. |
2.G.3 | 2G15
Describe shares using the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc. |
2.G.3 | 2G16
Recognize that equal shares need not have the same shape. For example, a square can be divided into four thin rectangles, four smaller squares, or two of each. All of these shares are equal. |
Goals were developed by Angie Seltzer. Highlighted parts are from Grade 2 CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. |