Grade 5 Goals
The Common Core standards for Grade 5 have been recast as a student-friendly list of goals, listed in the table below.
Click the first image to open the list of goals as a free PDF. Click the second image to view a related review bundle.
Click any square image in the table below to view a game card set for the goal. Click the blue button to visit Boom Learning for a self-checking activity with digital cards.
5.NBT.A |
Understand the place value system. |
5.NBT.1 |
Relate place value to multiplying by 10 or 1/10. This problem type includes decimals. In Grade 4, students multiplied and divided whole numbers by 10. Multiplying by 1/10 is the same as dividing by 10. |
5.NBT.2 | 5B12
Multiply and divide whole numbers by powers of 10. |
5.NBT.2 | 5B13
Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10. |
5.NBT.2 | 5B14
Write powers of 10 using exponents. |
5.NBT.3a | 5B15
Read and write decimals to thousandths. |
5.NBT.3a | 5B16
Convert between standard and expanded forms of decimals. For example, 0.234 means 2 tenths + 3 hundredths + 4 thousandths, or 0.2 + 0.03 + 0.004. |
5.NBT.3b | 5B17
Compare decimals to thousandths. |
5.NBT.4 | 5B18
Round decimals to any place. |
5.NBT.B |
Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers.* |
5.NBT.5 | 5B21
Multiply whole numbers up to 4-digit by 1-digit using the standard algorithm. In Grade 4, students multiplied using place value or models but were not required to learn the standard algorithm. |
5.NBT.5 | 5B22
Multiply whole numbers up to 2-digit by 2-digit using the standard algorithm. |
5.NBT.6 | 5B23
Relate division to multiplication by multiples of 10. For example, to divide 160 by 20, find the missing factor in 20 x __ = 160. |
5.NBT.6 | 5B24
Divide 3-digit dividends by multiples of 10 using place value and/or models. |
5.NBT.6 | 5B25
Relate division to multiplication by 2-digit factors. For example, students could make a table of the first ten multiples of 47, and then use the table to divide various numbers by 47. |
5.NBT.6 | 5B26
Divide 3-and 4-digit dividends by 2-digit divisors using place value and/or models. The division algorithm is a Grade 6 standard. |
5.NBT.B |
Perform operations with decimals to hundredths.* *In CCSS, the whole numbers and decimals are both part of Cluster B. For manageable goal lists, the cluster has been divided into two parts. |
5.NBT.7 | 5B31
Relate addition and subtraction of decimals. |
5.NBT.7 | 5B32
Add and subtract decimals to hundredths using place value and/or models. At this grade level, it is more important for students to use place value or models than to memorize an algorithm. The algorithms will be emphasized in Grade 6. |
5.NBT.7 | 5B33
Relate multiplication and division of decimals. |
5.NBT.7 | 5B34
Multiply and divide decimals to hundredths using place value and/or models. The algorithms will be emphasized in Grade 6. |
5.OA.A |
Write and interpret numerical expressions. |
5.OA.1 |
Evaluate numerical expressions with parentheses. |
5.OA.2 | 5A12
Write and interpret numerical expressions. |
5.OA.B |
Analyze patterns and relationships. |
5.OA.3 |
Write and compare two patterns given two rules. |
5.OA.3 | 5A22
Identify features of related patterns in tables or graphs. For example, compare a table of multiples of 0.7 to a table of multiples of 7. How are the patterns alike or different? |
5.NF.A |
Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. |
5.NF.1 |
Write equivalent fractions. Students were introduced to equivalent fractions in Grade 4, but may not have become fluent. Fluency is important for adding and subtracting fractions at this grade level. |
5.NF.1 | 5F12
Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. Like denominators were emphasized in Grade 4. |
5.NF.1 | 5F13
Add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators. |
5.NF.2 | 5F14
Add and subtract fractions to solve word problems. |
5.NF.2 | 5F15
Add and subtract mixed numbers to solve word problems. |
5.NF.2 | 5F16
Assess reasonableness of answers by using benchmarks and number sense. |
5.NF.B |
Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. |
5.NF.3 |
Interpret fractions as division to solve word problems. For example, if 2 pizzas are shared equally by 5 people each person gets 2/5 pizza. |
5.NF.4a | 5F22
Multiply whole numbers by fractions. |
5.NF.4b | 5F23
Represent products of fractions using area models. (See 2 sets, one with only unit fractions.) |
5.NF.4a, 5a, 5b | 5F24
Multiply fractions by fractions. |
5.NF.6 | 5F25
Multiply fractions and mixed numbers to solve word problems. |
5.NF.7a | 5F26
Divide unit fractions by whole numbers using models. At this level it is very important for students to understand unit fractions. Dividing 1/4 by 5 is the same as making 1/4 into 5 parts. So, the quotient is 1/20. This is an important prerequisite for division of fractions in Grade 6. |
5.NF.7b | 5F27
Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models. Dividing 5 by 1/4 is the same as finding the number of fourths in 5. Since there are 4 fourths in a whole, the quotient is 5 x 4 or 20. This is an important prerequisite for division of fractions in Grade 6. |
5.NF.7b | 5F28
Relate division to multiplication of fractions. |
5.NF.7c | 5F29
Divide with unit fractions and whole numbers to solve problems. |
5.G.A |
Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems. |
5.G.1 |
Graph and identify points with positive coordinates on a coordinate system. The standards for previous grades do not call for coordinates. |
5.G.2 | 5G12
Use coordinates (positive only) to represent and solve problems. |
5.G.2 | 5G13
Use coordinates to analyze geometric shapes. For example, if the coordinates for two endoints of a line segment are (3, 4) and (3, 10), students should calculate the length as 6 units. |
5.G.B |
Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties. |
5.G.3 |
Classify and identify quadrilaterals. |
5.G.4 |
Recognize categories and create hierarchies of shapes. |
5.MD.A |
Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system. |
5.MD.1 |
Convert metric measurements. In Grade 4, students converted from larger to smaller units. |
5.MD.1 | 5M12
Convert conventional measurements. |
5.MD.B |
Represent and interpret data. |
5.MD.2 | 5M21
Make line plots using data including fractions. |
5.MD.2 | 5M22
Solve problems about line plots. |
5.MD.C |
Understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition. |
5.MD.3 | 5M31
Identify a cube as a unit of volume. Volume is an important concept at this grade level. |
5.MD.4 | 5M32
Measure volume by counting unit cubes. |
5.MD.5a | 5M33
Add and/or multiply to find volumes of rectangular prisms. |
5.MD.5b | 5M34
Solve problems involving volume of rectangular prisms (with whole numbers as lengths). In Grade 6, students will find volumes of prisms with fractional edge lengths. (See the Geometry domain.) |
5.MD.5c | 5M35
Solve problems involving volumes of connected prisms. |
Goals were developed by Angie Seltzer. Highlighted parts are from Grade 5 CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. |