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  5. April 21 Math & History Mixed-Review Puzzle: Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
April 21 Math & History Mixed-Review Puzzle: Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
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April 21 Math & History Mixed-Review Puzzle: Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II

For April 21st, try this middle school math puzzle that focuses on Queen Elizabeth II and provides mixed review or test prep for volume of a cube, converting Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature, and solving an equation or inequality. Students solve math clues to find digits of the Mystery Year of the queen's birthday

Your Zip download includes printable/digital PDFs:
  • 1-page printable Student Puzzle
  • 1-page Answer Key with sample solutions
  • 1-page version of puzzle with expanding form fields – use with Acrobat Reader 
  • A complete file including the student puzzle, answer key, 3 pages of Teacher Notes including step-by-step Solutions, Extensions, and more
  • 1-page How to Use History-Mystery Puzzles
Common Core Standard: 6.RP.3.d, 6.EE.5, 6.G.A.2, 7.EE.4
File Format: Zip and PDF
Your Price: $1.50