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Birthday of Dolly Parton | Math Review Activity & Slides
Jan. 19 Cover Image

Birthday of Dolly Parton | Math Review Activity & Slides

January 19 of the Mystery Year is the birthday of country music star Dolly Parton. Clues for finding the year involve unit rate, the triangle inequality, powers of 10, and order of operations. The problems connect to the work of Dolly Parton. An Extension makes connections among probability, odds, and "9 to 5."

Your Purchase Includes Print & Digital Options:
  • 1-page printable puzzle with 1-page answer key
  • 5 pages of Teacher Notes including step-by-step solutions, optional extensions, and a variety of professional development support
  • 19-page PowerPoint file including everything from the student page, plus answer screens, an Extension, Historical Notes, and Quotes. This PPT file can be uploaded as Google Slides. 
Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.A.2, 7.G.A.2, 7.NS.A.3, 6.RP.A.3b
File Format: PDF & PPT
Your Price: $1.50