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  4. Teen Numbers 11-19 with Hearts | Math Card Games for K-1st Grade
Teen Numbers 11-19 with Hearts | Math Card Games for K-1st Grade
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Teen Numbers 11-19 with Hearts | Math Card Games for K-1st Grade

These cards have a Valentine's Day hearts theme and provide fun practice for learning teen numbers 11-19 as 10 plus ones. Kids can match them in math stations or centers, or play four familiar or easy-to-learn matching games. Once kids know the game rules, try other card sets from this shop.

• 40 math cards as nine groups of four cards plus four wild cards
• Instructions for four engaging games
• A recording worksheet plus answer key
• Perfect to use as a math station or during one-to-one tutoring

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Common Core Standard: K.NBT.A.1
Pages: 10
File Format: PDF
Your Price: $2.00